As shown by childrens' drawings, classrooms are seen by learners as small buildings, not intimidating but reminiscent of their own houses. I chose to design my school in such a way that it fits in with the surrounding residential layout. To allow for a variety of teaching and learning techniques, the classrooms have painted resin floors with colourful painted allocations for different layouts. The roofs of the buildings are separate truss structures and provide an interesting aesthetic. Rainwater collection tanks collect all roof runoff for use in the vegetable garden etc.
The concept of my school is that of an oasis. I looked at constitution hill as well as one of Luisa Lambri's buildings and the Navarro Correas Winery at Arquitectos. All of which have been built "into a hill" so to speak. They are all contained within retaining walls and under earth.
I utilised this concept as i wanted the outside view to be of greenery (the oasis). a little piece of nature in the city. the hills within wich the buildings are contained will act too as a place for pupils to sit at lunch and can cater for a vegetable or herb garden for the facility of education or otherwise.
the access to the school will be through the hill itself (there will be an opening in the hill where the reception area is).